Other autopilots

There are scores of commercial and amateur UAV autpilots and UAV control systems in use today, ranging from military ones costing millions of dollars to one-off hobbyist projects. Here at DIY Drones, we mostly focus on those most appropriate to hobbyists. We include both low-cost commercial autopilots and open-source ones. To be listed here, however, the autopilot must be commercially available now or in the near future. We also will focus on autopilots that members use and like, so if an autopilot isn't listed here it's because we don't have first-hand experience with it or do and can't recommend it.

  • FlexiPilot/EasyUAV: IMU-based autopilot, available as an all-in-one setup with an EasyStar aircraft. Website under construction, but more details are here.
  • AttoPilot: Available in both thermopile (AttoPilot 1.8) and IMU-based versions (AttoPilot 3.0). Main website here.
  • Paparazzi: Very sophisticated open source autopilot, created initially by the academic community for research purposes but now used by both professionals and amateurs. The main form is based on thermopile sensors, but IMU-based version are now appearing. Main website here.