I added more code comments as well as brought back the GPS simulator. If you set GPS_PROTOCOL to 5 in your header the simulator will kick in while the plane is in AUTO.
Your throttle adjusts the speed of the plane in the sim while it attempts to hit waypoints. The telemetry will output to the Ardupilot GCS. If you connect Google maps, you'll see that update in real-time as well.
Please note, the throttle still controls the engine, so be careful to disconnect your ESC.
in function- void print_control_mode(void),
Serial.println("### CIRCLE\t1***");
I needed to change to:
case CIRCLE: // dupe case name STABILIZE // r1137 mjc
Serial.println("### CIRCLE\t1***"); // r1137 mjc
as it gave compile error: duplicate case value