2nd ever video - this time on "trainer" quad.

The main video quad is offline at the moment with a faulty speed controller. So I went out with the "trainer" instead, and velcro'ed the go-pro to that, purely to see how it went. It was never intended to carry video - all extra payload was to be battery. And you call tell...most of the shot is of my legs...:-(


Video shortened to meet youtube requirements (actual flight time was 21 mins at this leisurely pace), but I'm still having program issues with this one - *another* unrequested land - not even doing anything strenuous this time - and a refusal to obey full throttle commands after changing modes when near end of battery. APM or battery related? Hmmm. After 21 mins flight time, I still had 3.75v in the cells...


Nothing spectacular, video wise; this was more about me getting some "stick time" to improve the skills, specifically to keep it smooth and steady for when I start to think about doing video properly at some point in the future on the big quad.



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  • Cheers John!

    Ironically, some vibe improvements are coming, to help reduce the vibes at full stick - jdrone motor mounts, and double moongel on all four APM corners. That should really keep it smooth!

    Currently the only vibe control I have (for airframe - there's none on the camera) is a layer of moongel on the APM, and some "rubber hex risers" joining the landing legs to the frame.

    Shots are from Switzerland, shot after work the other night.

  • Excellent! That goes to show that if you have a well balanced system then there's not much vibration to have to worry about. Beautiful shots btw

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