3 difference flight controller types of flying style

quadcopter Flight controllerFlight controllers tend to be aimed at different types of flying style: Cinema Flying, Sport Flying and Autonomous Flying. At the same time, there is a massive number of flight controller brands in the market, so it's hard to know which is best. Today I will give some perspective on that.


Flight controller For Cinema Flying

Pixhawk PX4 :Integrating with ARM 32bit chip and PX4FMU+PX4IO, this is yet another incredible option for any aerial photographer. Boasting UART, CAN, SPI and 12C bus interfaces; you will love its performance.


  • Advanced 32 bit ARM Cortex® M4 Processor running NuttX RTOS
  • 8 PWM/servo outputs
  • Abundant connectivity options for additional peripherals (UART, I2C, CAN)
  • Redundant power supply inputs and automatic failover
  • Integrated safety switch and optional external safety button for easy motor activation
  • Multicolor LED indicator
  • Integrated multi-tone piezo audio indicator
  • microSD card for long-time high-rate logging

The DJI NAZA-M V2: It is best to use if you want to do an aerial photography.  Its lightweight makes it quite convenient for your drone while the well designed control platform places the entire control process at your fingertips. In fact, it gives you total control of your drone as you capture those incredible aerial images.

Vector Flight Controller: If you are bold enough, you can also try Vector on your drone. Integrating an Eagle Tree system, you will definitely love its excellent performance. Ideal for professional and beginners alike, it also boasts an ETR00150 which gives it that unique performance and reliability. Its weight and size make it really convenient for aerial photography while the easy-to-use design adds to its awesome features.


Flight controller For Sport Flying

The KISS flight controller: It is mostly used in small sized drones. It does not have many features but you can be able to navigate through the user interface without causing a lot of confusion. Kiss is an acestar flight controller for fpv racing such as 250 quad. If you are looking for unrivalled performance, then you have to give it a shot.

RJX SP flight controllerr: lets you record flight data comfortably and conveniently. It integrates the latest Compass, accelerometer, baro and altitude sensor technology which makes its performance even better. Its 2 through holes are quite compatible and can mount onto PDBs as well as OSDs.

The Naze32: It gives you an opportunity to solder on both sides which makes it quite convenient. It comes with an input voltage of 2-6s which is similar to the other flight controllers for 250 quad fpv racing. 


Flight controller For Autonomous flying

QWinOut APM : This is an opensource flight controller which comes with a protective case for ultimate durability. Its advanced construction requires you to have basic understanding of c-programming language which is one of the earliest programming languages, monolithic integrated circuits as well as electrical and mechanical knowledge. 

The 3DR Pixhawk: It is one of the best flight controllers in the market. It is best to use in autonomous flights. It has backup system supports all kinds of sensors and other different flight considerations.

The MultiWii Pro: It is cheap and is readily available worldwide. It is capable of stabilizing remote control style plane, helicopter or a multicopter. It has a barometer, magnetometer, and GPS.

Drone Flight controller


On the basis of contrast of flying style as above, price and specs from the popular quadcopter flight controllers, you will have discovered some important differences that help you to choose items not only today but into the future as well.

If you have any question of any thing about flight controllers and have more experiences, please leave your message on here, Thank you.

 Reference source: http://www.rcdronegood.com/flight-controller-board-comparison/

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  • @iskymaster "put an excel sheet  to put down all the flight controllers out there so we can come up with matrix of features, standards etc. as snap shot view." Good idea, I argee with you and I am very interested in that. but can you give me one example?

  • @iskymaster I mean the best application, DJI A2 and A3 flight controller are good for AP,  this is known to all, that is the true value of them.

  • Developer

    Lots of emphasis on the old flight controllers, without any mention to the new ones? Nothing Linux based? And why push the APM 2.x when it was depreciated several years ago?

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