So you may have seen my past blog post I finally got my 16000mah battery just did a 46min loiter I did the logs but the apm2.6 wont store that much log but I timed the flight with a stopwatch I will take video tomorrow and post it asap I was hoping to get close to 40min but it has surpassed my expectations at 46min the final flight weight with the battery is 5lb 14oz with everything onboard fatshark 5.8 gps telemetry osd apm receiver power module it is 22 pole 490kv multistar motors 20amp afro esc 15 5.5 propellers shortened to 14.5 we are in the process of putting together our website and they will be for sale shortly they can be purchased as a bare frame or as a customizable receiver ready model the bare frame starts at 45$ and the receiver ready model will be 799$ for the base model 1199$ fully loaded with gopro 2axis gimbal ublox neo m8 gps and 915 or 433 telemetry
just a short video of it flying
Todd, do you use the new multistar series rated 10/20 C. I'm I right?
I ask just to be sure, because maybe I would like to reproduce a similar configuration.
And yes, also this time I'm interested in your work. Nice job =) I really appreciate your copters.
Can You Frame Do This and weigh in at 636 Grams ?
Why don't you try a pack of Panasonic NCR18650B cells ? How many amp's do you draw?
so with the 2 5200mah pack's I got 35 min of flight time have to re tune it for the weight difference its a little sloppy I can probably get a few more min of flight time out with some tuning the performance with the lighter pack's is alo higher so for flying for sport or fpv this is the better route it might be 10 min shorter but a lot more fun to fly being that the battery weight is over a pound less and you pull off the gimbal and pot the shorter legs on its a really fun fpv flight for 35 min
390kv runs better on 6s and finding a 20 amp esc that runs 6s is hard plus adding the extra cell adds more weight the goal was to keep it under 3kG and get the most flight time
Wy you did not used the 390Kv version? It seems more suitable for 15" propellers
Actually Swapping out this pack for 2 Lectron 5200 mah 4s pacs it gives you 10400mah and weighs a pound less going to run a test flight to see what kind of flight time will post results later