3D Robotics
Last night Ning, our social network hosting platform, pushed out a few new features and in the process changed our look and feel a bit. Among those changes: the "Add a blog post" link at the bottom of the blog listings and "Add a discussion" link at the bottom of the forum listings are gone. So now how do you do those things? Answer: use the tabs above. You add a discussion topic on the "Forum" tab and add a blog post on the "My Page" tab (under the "My Blog" subtab). This isn't ideal, and I assume it's just temporary until Ning rolls out a more flexible layout toolset. But in the meantime, the tabs are your friend ;-)
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  • 3D Robotics
    Update (3/21 PM): The regular links are now back. Shame on Ning for the screw-up, but credit to them for the quick fix.
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