I'll be showing this at Maker Faire tomorrow and Sunday. Below is the bottom side of the old (left) and new (right) boards. Differences include putting all the chips inside the gondola ("top") and just the IR sensors, the on/off and reset switches and the FTDI programming port on the outside ("bottom")
You can buy these boards for $12.50 each here. You'll also need to buy a Boarduino kit ($17.50) for the Ardunino components. Other parts required: --On/off switch --One of these capacitors --And one of these capacitors --4 IR receivers --2 motor driver chips If you want to fab the PCB boards yourself, here are the Eagle files: Schematic and PCB layout. These are probably the last through-hole board design we'll make, since we've pretty much got this board where we want it. After this, we'll be moving to a much smaller surface-mount design using a whole new design with more sensors, LEDs for directional feedback and a more powerful processor. But that will take a while and in the meantime, the current BlimpDuino board is a great starter platform for blimp robotics. The Arduino code to run it is here.You need to be a member of diydrones to add comments!
EDIT: Hey, I found a HBridge chip that operates at 3v and actually has 4 motor outputs. What do you think? http://beta.octopart.com/Freescale_Semiconductor__MPC17550EVEL__0.pdf
Also, in ordering the Boarduino setup, does anyone have experience with using the "USB cable FTDI TTL232 Cable"? Any experience using it with a mac?