3D Robotics

A DIY Drones Milestone: 1,000 members!

Today we hit another nice milestone in the growth of DIY Drones: 1,000 people have signed up to participate. In the ten months this site has been running, it has grown to an average of 1,000 unique visitors and 5,000 page views a day. Over that period, we've had a total of about 200,000 unique visitors and nearly three quarters of million page views. We add new members at a rate of about 50 a week (after we clear out the occasional russian mail-order-brides!). All told, I believe we are now the largest amateur UAV community on the web, which is not bad for less than a year! Going forward, I'd like to bring in more of you to help steer this site and expand it. If you'd like to be a co-moderator here, which is to say have administrator privileges, just PM me (little envelope icon) and we can talk about what that entails. If I can get one or two solid contributors to manage this site with me (we all have day jobs, of course, so this is just to keep the volume up while any one of us is swamped with other things), I think we'll be able to grow it even faster yet. I'm happy to share the Google AdSense revenues with my co-editors--it won't make you rich, but it's a nice little payback for what is otherwise an all-too-expensive hobby ;-)
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