UAV Snipers

Saw a post to this on John Robbs blog that is now funded by DARPA. The white paper pdf that Sagetech published on this can be found here.
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  • With the gun mounted along the flight axis, I doubt that stability is much of an issue, but like the A-10 conserving speed will be a big issue for a lightweight airframe.
  • A few more corrected URL posts ought to do it. The stability problem for a gun becomes huge as airframe size decreases. Making the flight stable seems to be the very last goal after all the other problems are solved. They're normally focused on image recognition, using iPhones, or just getting it to stop crashing.
  • 3D Robotics
    That link is incorrect. The right link is here. Also, for future reference, please give a little more context in blog posts, so people who are not familiar with the concept of sniping via UAV don't have to click through to understand whether or not it's of interest.
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