First boot, and first problems lol

My computer has booted up, and is running Win2000 (ram restrictions made it the OS of choice, XP can be used, but maybe later, and with some trimming) and i will be working on servo control and figuring out why my usb decided to reboot the computer when i plugged in the Parallax Servo Controller. Yeah, i'm having issues with the drivers as the Boser site doesn't seem to like linking things. I have a picture of first boot i need to upload on photobucket, as well as a picture of the computer. I was trying to wait on the last of the parts to come in and be soldered on/connected, but i feel like my posts are worthless without pics .


By a show of hands, how many people will laugh at me when this thing crashes?Anyways, Boser linked me to the drivers today and i am installing them now. Shame on me for not bringing more stuff on my 3 day disappearance from my nomral world. It took 3 computers to get this stuff on the HS-2605 because i didn't bring cables for my Compact Flash card reader. When i get servo control working, we'll see what happens next.I spent last night installing digital night vision in my friend's car, so i spent the day sleeping on and off, which is why i haven't been answering comments and questions. Same stuff is going into my plane. Firefox 3.0 became my favorite browser a second ago. i wrote a long response for you guys to my last blog post and my laptop shut down. Then i went to my other laptop, which had this blog on it, and it had been overheating, so i had to restart it. I thought i lost both posts. Firefox said "Think agian!"
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  • wow i must have been out of it yesterday. not only did i completely miss the pictures button, but i gave the URL instead of the direct link!
  • Howard, big props. thanks man! Yeah, i don't really want to, because i wanted to learn how to use linux more, but start with what you know, i guess. That's why the Heli UAV hasn't taken off yet: too much i didn't know!

    Thanks Chris hehe.
  • You are a brave soul to undertaking this type of project running embedded Windows. Since that's your path, you might want to investigate using Microsoft Robotics Studio for onboard control, since there may already be useful sensor and processing code in existence. Take a look at
  • 3D Robotics
    If you want pics to show in your posts, just embed them with the little green picture icon and select the options you want (300, right, wrap-around for small pics; 500, left, no wrap-around for bigger ones)

  • I'm an idiot. I am so used to USB being turned on in the bios by default lol...oopsie!
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