New panoramic system

after a whole bunch of trial and error, i'm happy to say that my the parts camcoder i will be using for the panoramic system is 100% operational, set up, and ready to be mounted. The biggest problem was getting the "no tape" warning off the main screen. It looks like i'll be only needing a servo for the zoom. I've spent the day researching my stepper motors and gears, pushing through basic equations and what not. In the end, if i get this gear set i want (and without using legos :) ), i should have a massive amount of torque, at a decent power/velocity and <1 degree rotational resolution for the pan, and <0.5* for the tilt. I am not sure how fast i can drive the motor, but i'm aiming for a 1-2 second fast spin for the pan (from rest), with a much slower spring for fine tune adjustments. worse comes to worse, i can use lego gears lol.


The camcorder is an ES75 from canon. It was from an old project, stripped of its viewfinder for a near eye display--before i found out that you need a CRT and this model has the new LCDs. Then i got a couple of the Wild Planet head sets and called it a day:). I'm really happy i never sold the box of the parts from all those camcorders.Picture is good and it weighs MUCH less than my other mega lens. I'm debating whether or not to use the digital zoom. I figure i should because it only has 270K pixels, or just under VGA resolutio, and i will be streaming the video anyways.My biggest two problems are the size/shape of the camera, and the lack of a steady shot. Despite being lighted, i needed to keep the main board attached to the lens, and have the rear panel button board attached for the power on and DC IN. This leads to an L shape that makes for a difficult mount and make sure it doesn't break. The ideal thing would be a 38 pin extension cable wit the right connectors, but i don't know where to find on of those yet. As for the lack of steady shot, i'm hoping some software will make that a non issue.


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