3D Robotics

For those who love the Multiplex EasyStar but want more lifting capacity and space (or just need ailerons) good news: its big brother, the Easy Glider Pro, is now available. This upgraded plane apparently fixes some of the problems with the earlier Easy Glider's wing attachments, and is now designed for a brushless motor. Mutiplex also makes a power pack for it, with motor, ESC and prop. I have to admit that my heart is still with the EasyStar, with its above-wing pusher prop leaving unobstructed space for cameras and other equipment in the nose, but if you must have something bigger or need ailerons, the Easy Glider Pro now seems like a good choice for the glider form factor.

BTW, if you want a more traditional high-wing trainer as a UAV platform, while still made out of the virtually unbreakable Mutiplex elastopore foam, you might be interested in its new Mentor (shown below). It's got a 65" wing, and seems perfect for UAV purposes; indeed Jordi and I saw a few used for just that at the AUVSI show.

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