3D Robotics

Ryszard Arandzikowski, a superdedicated hobbyist in Poland, has spent the last three years creating this suite of UAV technologies. Autopilot and ground station software, two-camera pan-tilt system, a really nice looking custom aircraft, and more. Amazing accomplishment for a single person. I've pinged him to see what his plans are for distribution (sell? open source?) but in the meantime does anyone know anything about the project?
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  • 3D Robotics
    What a shame! Maybe he should open source it so that others, in more tolerant countries, can make it. Otherwise nobody will use it at all.
  • i mailed mr. Ryszard about this autopilot and received this mail from him:
    "Dear Sir ,
    Sorry, on account of polish law the full version of FCS-1 system cannot be offered for amateurs.I can offer the version without automatic mode only. See other modes on my webpage.
    This version costs 1200 euro. The set consists of autopilot , GPS receiver with antenna, software for base station and cable for autopilot programing. Camera system is not offered.


    Ryszard Arendzikowski"
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