3D Robotics
I get this question all the time from newcomers, so I'll answer it here as we build a proper FAQ: Q: What's the difference between a RC plane and a UAV? And why doesn't the AMA allow UAVs on its fields? A: The generally-agreed distinction is that UAVs have the capacity for autonomous flight and navigation. A RC plane becomes a UAV with the addition of an autopilot. The AMA doesn't allow UAVs because its insurance doesn't cover them. I actually agree with the policy, since our UAVs are by nature experimental and sometimes out of control. We're pretty careful to test away from people.
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  • ANNEX 3n - 08_Autonomous_WG_rep_1.pdf

    This attachment is a report from the FAI / CIAM conference which was in March this year. This contains some recommendations of the CIAM autonomous flight working group. The main consequence is that amateur UAV builders need to form a worldwide association, since CIAM does dot want to deal with this topic (that's why I think the next blog post is very useful) . That's the only document I found on the FAI website about it.
  • One other distinction is commercial use of any UA (Unmanned Aircraft).
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