3D Robotics

Watch SpaceX countdown live NOW

After two earlier failures, SpaceX is going for their third oribital attempt o the Falcon 1 today, with expect launch time at 5:55 sometime after 7:00 PDT Aborted. Stay tuned. May retry around 8:20. Watch the countdown live here. UPDATE: a minute and a half into the flight, the camera cut off and they reported an "anomoly". Doesn't look good. Tragic. UPDATE2: A SpaceX spokesperson speaks: ""It was obviously a big disappointment not to reach orbit on this Flight 003 of the Falcon 1. On the plus side, the flight of our first stage with the new Merlin 1C regenerative engine that will be used in Falcon 9 was picture-perfect. Unfortunately, a problem occurred at stage separation causing the stages to be held together. This is under investigation."
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