
Bah...annoyance. Trevor Taylor has been my rope to sanity, i swear! There's nothing like needing just an Int and having to deal with a "list of Ints". which is the right one? you just never know...Anyways, i'm going to post up what i have done so far. let you guys play with it, incorporate it, comment on it, add it. I think we're decently protected under the creative common license. There are a few things i would LOVE to just make activities, and they REFUSE to compile a such (no idea why). This .MVPL is using the April CTP, ProMRDS, the Lab, and a few other services that i scrounged up. If you don't already have these, get them. I have moved over to the July CTP, so pretty soon you guys will need to upgrade:). Its a mess of activities, and there is more on my other computer.UAV side code.rarEnjoy.***edit*** July CTP saved files won't open with oder CTPs. That is why you have to upgrade:)
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  • there was an error in how i split the strings. it has been fixed. I will upload that fix in code in the next iteration, which will be soon.
  • BTW, i should add that i haven't tested the GPS part yet because i haven't had a GPS to do the test with lol. It shipped, but i haven't been home to collect it.
  • lol, okay

    until i get all the passing of the variable correct, which will be over the next week, this is actually more a build version,, with the GPS funtions down, but other functions need things, like thought, behind them before they are completed. All in all, its jsut what i'm done thus far on teh UAV side. On the ground statin side, i have most of the joystick functions done, i just have to get it to see my joystick. I also have to build the VB GUI. More fun. Joy.

    *GPSinfo will give you all necessary GPS stats from any NMEA GPS. It logs them (i hope)
    *Get Heading will get the distance from your present lat/long to your waypoint, as well as the heading that it is necessary to take.
    *ManCon (Manual Control) should be ignored for now as i am still working on seeing how to get my DSS Nodes talking to eachother. That should be fun. Also, since i am using a traditional Joystick (or keyboard), unless you are too,
    *ACon (Autonomous Control) is still under development. I have to figure out how i want to input the waypoints. ATM, a text file seems to be the best way, although SQL Database seems to be way MSRS is pushing.

    I know it seems like a little bit, but if you knew how UNGODLY LONG it took to get this far and do it will few red "!'s"...yeah.

    This will compile to C# and can be used with any Computer, and Basic Stamp 2.

    Look, play, test. I will keep spitting out stuff as I learn and program.

    That Terra based Waypoint builder is hotness. I need to figure out how to incorporate that.

    Once i get waypoints down, i will start things like circling, wind drift traveling for higher efficiency traveling, and what not. As you can see, i have Camera functions laid out (kinda). I will be doing following and stuff, but i have to get the frame rate right so i don't choke up my computer and lose too much of the stream.
  • 3D Robotics

    Could you explain a bit more what this is, for that who haven't been following along closely ;-)
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