3D Robotics
Our alpha ArduPilot code has an okay GPS parser, but like all of them based on ASCII NMEA sentences, it's slow and doesn't handle errors (corrupted data) very well. We've now done a lot better. Here's Jordi's new Arduino GPS parser, which will be in the next version of the ArduPilot code and has the following features: --Reads the data in Sirf 3 binary mode, not ASCII NMEA sentences. --Autoconfigures your GPS module to go into binary mode. --Parses the GPS data and stores it in variables, including conversion to decimal degrees for gps data, and other stuff such as GPS status, lat, lon, MSL altitude, heading, speed over ground, and climb rate... --Super fast decoding and transmission at 57600 bps... --100% Checksum verification.. --Status LED, connected directly to the GPS fix status.. --More or less commented ;-) You can download the code and run and test it now, or integrate it into your own projects. Lots more cool improvements coming to the ArduPilot code, including better navigation routines and interrupt-driven RC channel reading. We've still got some work to do on the boards (the current one has got a problem with noise and current fluctuations when we're moving the servos, so we've got to add some diodes and capacitors), but we're getting there. Still on track for a September release, one way or another.
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  • Thanks for the great work you are both doing. Looking forward the completed board.
  • 3D Robotics

    Hard to say. The safest approach is to wait a month or two until we release the production boards, pre-made. If you're a little more adventurous, you can make the one you've got and we'll try to work you through any issues you may encounter. Although there's no guarentee it will work perfectly in the end you'll at least learn a lot about Arduino/embedded programming and fully embrace the diy spirit ;-)

    For the rest of you, our advice is to wait until we've certified a board as rock solid and ready for all makers experienced or not.
  • "We've still got some work to do on the boards (the current one has got a problem with noise and current fluctuations when we're moving the servos, so we've got to add some diodes and capacitors), but we're getting there"

    How does it look? Will Version 3. of the Autopilot board be still usable (with modifications) or need to get a new board?
  • Cool stuff Both of you.
    Keep it up.
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