3D Robotics

BlimpDuino production board release candidate

After some wasted time with expensive PCB design errors, we've finally got a release candidate of the production version of the BlimpDuino board. It's version V431. Changes from previous versions include: --Square, rather than rectangular, so the IR detectors are all on the outside of the board (and thus free of interference) and evenly spaced for optimal sensing. --Improved power supply, with lower profile and LiPo low-voltage cut-off (to protect the batteries) --Vectoring servo now output on a digital pin (10) to use timer-based Arduino servo library --Various layout tweaks to give more room for various connectors and the on/off switch --Bug fixes You can buy the boards here. Here are the Eagle 5 files: schematic, board. Here are the components you'll need (Digikey part numbers unless otherwise stated):
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  • 3D Robotics

    Right now we're just using the standard thickness. The board itself is really small (just under 2" square) so there's not a lot of volume there. We saved weight with a SMD power supply and switching from the Parallax to the Maxbotics ultrasonic sensor, and we're well under the weight budget for the blimp, so I think we're okay for now.
  • Chris -

    Have you looked at the different PCB material / thickness / finish ?

    With my supplier (pcborder.com), there are a ton of different options - FR4, CEM1, CEM3 circuit board material, thickness from 0.031" to 0.125" (default is 0.62"), and SMOBC, HASL, ENTEK and other finishes. I haven't experimented with any of the options, though CEM3 with a lead-free HASL finish and a thinner board looks like it might be a good combination. My base motor/radio board weighs 10gm and my stereo board weighs 25gm, so it seems like there is an opportunity to save some weight via some board fab options.

  • 3D Robotics
    ...also, one of the unique problems of blimp controller boards, is that blimps have very limited lifting power, and a breadboard version is typically to heavy to fly. So to test the controllers in flight, we typically have to design and fab a custom PCB. Then, when we discover problems, we've got to design another PCB. At $33 each and five board minimums, that can add up really fast.
  • 3D Robotics
    A couple hundred bucks, I'm afraid. All my own fault for not doing enough DRC checks and breadboard prototypes. Also blew a couple rounds confused about CAM formats and obscure errors that I should have paid more attention to. Still, cheaper than a year of engineering school...
  • Wonder how much it cost to do all the revisions to get to this point.
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