The crowds for one of the demos of the new LIDAR/Optical flow position hold. Works great and SO much better than sonar, since it can handle any surface, indoors and out. The same tech can be used for precision landing on designated markers.
You get a prize if you can beat our team at ping pong (doesn't happen often; ping pong is a 3DR speciality):
NAB events are DJI filed ;)
Good luck!
here an interesting video:
Looks like a great showing for 3DR. Reminds me of Siggraph before Autodesk swallowed everyone else up. Power to the Arduino. Don't let DJI buy you guys out!
LIDAR/Optical flow position hold? As in, both with sensor fusion? px4flow? Lidar-lite? 3DR? Ardupilot integration?
More info please! :)
Someone told me nab isn't open to the public and those that do get in(business people) have to pay$1500 for a pass,is this true
This makes me smile.
$10 billion, to be precise
That's like a $200,000 booth, next to Panasonic. Multi billion dollar valuations have come.