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  • Was that supposed to be entertaining? Or thought provoking? I appreciate art and I know it comes in all shapes, sizes and media, but can I have those three minutes back please?

  • Ummm... wow.

    I never got Artsy stuff.

  • Take that back it might just be her "Guardian Angel"?

  • Reminds me of little red riding hood and the big bad wolf has been watching her using infrared  from when she was born.(total breach of privacy)  before long there will be as many drones as there are seagulls on the beach. The  drone coming in to land  as a friend ,or reproduce?

  • ok this movie hooked me...

    I also see the film offers a best and worst scenario to the introduction to civilian drones. Worst case scenario, what happened to little red riding hood after trusting the wolf; and best case, civilian drones  turn out to be as harmless as Seagulls.  

    Exquisite work.  Thanks for the post Chris.

  • ...seems to use the parables of Little Red Riding Hood and The Red Balloon as storytelling devices as to what some people fear could happen with the introduction of civilian drones. 

    This short film is very creative both in concept and production.

  • @Mikey - Exactly!

  • Actually very deep and thought provoking...

    The drone in this short film is portrayed as being somewhat analogous to the storyline in the French short film, The Red Balloon.

  • Disturbing..... but I'm getting balloon of course

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