2012-11-24 MV to All:

I've only just joined the ArduPilot-Mega Opensource Project, and am only just beginning to dig into the codebase.

My goal is to implement a host of enhancements to our beloved APM Mission Planner application.

My cloned repository is named "markevogt-pcl-experimenting".

My first enhancements have now been coded, tested and pushed up to my repo:

1. Flight Data Panel: each of the (6) quickView panels now has black text on a colored background - far easier to see when outside than thin, colored text against a black background;

2. Flight Data Panel: each of teh (6) quickView panels now has UNITS dynamically queried from the MainV2.config[] array, which in turn is dynamicall populated from the APM > Configuration screen. This too is handy when you wish to switch from feet to meters, or from fps to mph !...

Again, this is just a newbie way to start contributing swiftly - work on simple stuff to learn the overall codebase, then progressively tackle more complex enhancements.


Next up: adding the Mission Planner Screen's lovely (large) Zoom Slider control to the Flight Data Screen, so the act of zooming is consistent across The Application...


Feedback is welcome!



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  • Am I getting initializing error at 1.2.21.

    Anyone more?


  • Distributor

    Also there is Paul´s alternative GCS here:


    Good stuff!

  • Moderator

    There's a basic list here: http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/source/list

    The changes for 1.2.21 are for example:

    Mission Planner 1.2.21 Antenna Tracker mod from William Bryan

    Scaling mods

    battery screen mods

    failsafe screen pwm checking

    remove reverse radio options when we are using a quad

    config menu reorganise

    add Ateryx stuff

  • Agree with both comments, buttons look good but are too big and the set home by right clicking is a great idea.  Maybe its cause I'm new to this but whenever there is an update to the APM it would be good to know what was updated/fixed or improved?  

  • Moderator

    To right click somewhere on the map and "Set Home Position Here" is something is really needed. Where I boot up and do my checks is not where I want the return to launch to be, as that position is right above the cars/laptop/my head.

  • Great contributions! I second that the buttons on the top are too large. They look pretty but take up too much screen real estate.
  • Distributor
    Thanks. Are there any chances of making the green buttons in the top menu smaller/collapsible?

    They take up far too much space on a 1024x600 resolution netbook.
  • 3D Robotics

    Excellent! Can you please add some screenshots to this post?

    Also, are you working with Michael Oborne directly? It would be good for him to be able to review your clone and incorporate in the main release. 

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