IOBoard Let's make it better... We need testers...
Awhile ago we made first translating program for IOBoard and since that people have been using it as it was and/or modifying its open software. Now that we have more and more devices supporting FrSky telemetry, converting becomes more fun.
So let's make it. Current roadmap for IOBoard is:
- Have full support for MAVLink/FrSky conversion
- LED driver with configurable patterns
- OpenTX, er9X support
- TLD-02 display support
- Updated Configurator
Currently tested features on Taranis radio:
Heading, Temperature 1, Temperature 2 (shows satellites/fix type), Armed/Disarmed and Throttle values,
Lat/Lon, Altitude, Voltage, Cell volt (avg), Speed
jD-IOBoard can be found from jDrones store
Latest MAVLink/FrSky software is IOBoard_FrSkyMAVLink.v03a
software can also be found from arducodes repository at google code
Let us know how it works and if you have ideas, post it on..
This looks really awesome but is there any way to use this with something like an Arduino Nano or UNO?
Thank you, I don´t know how i could miss that.
Yes they are, just go to look our repository at
I would like to extend the code for rgb ledstrips...
hi, i have a 9x with working telemetry mod and newest opentx mavlink software. now i bought the IOboard v1.1 with new 05a firmware uploaded. i have connected everything as shown. when iswitch on everythig no telemetry data is displayed on 9x!!! any help would be greatly appreciated
Brain, could you share the details with ur? I'm looking how to use Arduino Pro mini to send APM Mavlink to D4R-ii while not using the 3DR radio (and not willing to make changes to the Arducopter code).
Thank you kindly, I found another option as well shortly after asking that looks like it doesn't require using uart2 but rather uart0 and making changes to sr0 in advanced parameters with mission planner.
Havet a look here
David, it can work with the X8R Smart Port if you use the FrSky Smart Port vario in-between (connect to the data in port).
Can anybody point me in the right direction of getting this working without a radio modem? I'd like to be able to use this without the modem/ground station going. (Setup: UART0-Pro-Mini-Vario-X8R)
Does this or can this work with X8R Smart port?