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  • I agree with you Chris in that it'll be wiser to use a ready to fly plane like one of the durable models from Multiplex. I don't have enough experience but according to what others are telling me, my flying wings seem to be really easy to fly. So I doubt that they are comparable to the Funjet's flight characteristics - despite the aggressive look.
  • Moderator
    I enjoyed the podcast...
    I hear your points about CG.
  • 3D Robotics
    Jaron, that's a great design, but it's essentially identical to the Funjet both in paypload capacity and configuration. If you can fly a plane that hot, why not just use the Funjet?
  • I'm no UAV airframe expert and you might be right that there is no flying wing kit on the market that perfectly fits a UAV user's needs. But I'd claim that this is rather a problem of the design than of the principle. You can design a flying wing so that it has enough room for electronics, has no problem with the CG and is very easy to fly.

  • 3D Robotics
    In general, we'd like to have one guest a week and the theme of the show would be influenced by the guest. So maybe we'd get someone to report on the Outback Challenge one week, and then someone else talk about quadcopters the next.

    Once we get a pipeline of guests in place, this should pretty much run itself! The only challenge is time zones. We're pretty committed to doing it live.
  • Moderator
    Well that would be cool, not sure what I could add, but it might allow others to listen in other parts of the world. Maybe some members from other parts of the world could send in audio inserts?
  • 3D Robotics
    Gary, we should move the time one week so we can have you on. If we go late on Sunday night, maybe we could catch you in your early Mon?
  • Moderator
    Nice one, I enjoyed that whilst walking about eating berries from the hedgerow and generally just bumbling along.

    Thanks all.
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