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  • Admin

    Some nice observations Gary.



  • I notice the report says that they "Struck an unknown object while in flight".

    So does that mean the UAS thing is just a supposition or is there additional information that suggests the crew saw something?

    There doesn't seem to be any doubt that they hit something, but the tail section of that plane is not really in the primary line of fire as opposed to the wings themselves or fuselage, so it seems a very peculiar place to have taken a UAS strike.

    In fact, to me at least, it looks more typical of some piece of junk blown up off the runway perhaps during landing.

    And yes I do have a private pilots license so at least some small familiarity with this sort of thing.

    It will be interesting to see what finally shakes out, a bogus attempt to further disparage UAS by pilots or a legitimate strike.

    I hope further verifiable information is forthcoming.

    Best Regards,


  • That is a costly repair: de-ice boot and the leading edge repair, plus the time down.

  • Moderator

    I can't say at the minute they would rather not be named right now.  Here's another.


    I think that looks like the tail not wing, but it will all come out in the wash.

  • What's the source of that photo?

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