"The AMA Executive Council has agreed that it may be time to revisit FPV. Many of our members have been forthcoming in offering constructive suggestions about what might be done to modify our current policy so that it is more reflective of what is occurring today in the field. These suggestions will be taken into consideration as we move ahead with the review.Many prominent members of the FPV community have offered their help. We intend to take advantage of their background and expertise as well."
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The thing is that the AMA doesnt create laws. They can influence legislation but they are a private organization and just because they say FPV is okay or not okay it doesnt effect those of us who fly at non-AMA fields.
Hi Guys
The Britsh have recently revised the rules for operating FPV, They now allow FPV operation WITHOUT the requirement for a buddy box and the PRIMARY pilot can know be the FPV pilot, I believe they still require an OBSERVER but that the observer does not need to be a pilot. sorry I cant find the link.
Its law over there, maybe The US can follow this?.
Dwg sparky
I can't find it, but didn't the AMA also come out with something on autopilots recently? I believe it was favorable in that autopilots can be used at AMA fields, but with all of the usual restrictions (line-of-sight, manual takeover, etc.). If I am correct on this, and if anyone has it, please post a link. Thanks
The AMA is dying out. Let it and its antiquated rules go.