3D Robotics

3689418611?profile=originalA good post from the AMA government relations guys, prompted by the Wasp ArduPilot-powered wifi sniffing UAV we wrote about earlier:


Like any other new technology, in the wrong hands and for the wrong reasons, its use to cause harm can potentially overshadow any intended use for good. This is a quandary that beleaguered Albert Einstein until his death in 1955, and for centuries societies have had to balance the potential for good against the potential for harm with everything from motorcars, to aerial flight, to the Internet. 

However, turning our back on UAS technology is not the answer. In doing so we may well find that we have boxed ourselves in, missed out on significant opportunities and left behind by what is sure to be a huge emerging industry. AMA must proceed carefully to ensure the legitimate aeromodeling community is distanced from the potentially negative aspects of UAS while maintaining its posture as a leader in scientific development and aeronautical technology.



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  • It can be difficult to lead when you are running to catch up.   

    Yes, this is your father's AMA.  (grand father's?)

    Ok, I guess they deserve some points for showing a possibility of movement of an outdated position.   And I did get into Airventure at Oshkosh for $25 instead of the normal $37 since the AMA joined forces with the EAA, that makes me happy  : )

  • This still going on?

  • AMA must proceed carefully to ensure the legitimate aeromodeling community is distanced from the potentially negative aspects of UAS while maintaining its posture as a leader in scientific development and aeronautical technology.......  And what would be the positive aspect???  what AMA will do to maintain the correct use of UAS? Join AMA and you can fly your UAS!?  that message sounds more like a politician trying to gain votes...


  • I'll take the AMA's post at face value.  It's a good sign that they know they endanger their own existence if they don't embrace new technology.

  • 3D Robotics
    LOL. Nice one ;-)
  • Well mannered, well thought out and accurate. It's a trap.

    After seeing the AMA posts being so stupid on using sUAS system against their 12ft giant models I am inclined to be sceptical of this announcement. The US guys can only the displayed text is the actually thoughts not just propaganda to gain respect and later control over UAS in the USA.
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