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  • I did not and was not intending to offer a solution to this present problem. I was merely "What If''ing" it came to this. The way the FAA is going about all of this and with the influence of the "Big Boys" companies are having on just how far we have come so far, I could see where something like this gets "mandated" down because they don't want or care to do the job that they should. The same job that many other countries have already done seems to be low if "NO" priority at all on the groups responsible. Waiting for a "Significant" or a "Really Bad" incident to happen and then the knee jerk responses will be swift and very harsh, such as the one I suggested possible. I do not have a solution to this problem. The larger groups and companies who have the resources and do have vested interests in this hobby continuing to flourish, unfettered, might want to put their heads to together and figure out a solution that is viable before one is shoved down all out throats at great distaste to all concerned.

  • Doc hicks, what you are proposing is regulation and ruling, when all that is needed is advice and hints.

    perhaps a better solution as i said previously,Make anyone who uses any software that enables RC flight to complete a 5 min wizard that warns of the dangers and inappropriate behaviors and quizzes to make sure they know

  • and who is to edit the code?, who is to update it, i can see abuse as hackers block everywhere or diable the block.

    Our environment is too rapidly hanging to impose these sorts of limits, i mean obvious areas could be blacked liek air bases, airports etc but cities ect should not be.

    There is helping the newbies and there is creatin huge barriers to entry, i started this whole warning idea but then people are taking it to far.

    You idea to closely falls into the the fuddy duddies who complain about back in their day, they had to build their models out of balsa and now anyone can just fly in their area with foam etc

    limiting people simply because they bought rather than built is ludicrous, how do you think everyone gets into the hobby now adays, they buy a toy version find it coll but limited so build one.

    you idea would entirely kill the toy market and entry hobby grade models

  •  Jared  There's no reason a park can't have an enabling geo-fence within city limits.

    In fact it would enable local councils to make parks fly proof (to these drones) where local by-laws prohibit the use of RC aircraft.

  • As these autonomous UAV's slip from the realm of skilled hobby into "potentially dangerous" toys I think the manufacturers are going to have to impose limited capabilities before they are forced upon them.

    RTF should be geo-fenced (thanks I could not for the life of me remember the term) to only operate outside built up areas, but ALSO limited to 250 meters radius from home point. 50 meters altitude and maybe a limited payload.

    If people seriously want to take it further they can join a club, or get some form of certification to  enable the download of a software patch, or make a bit of effort and build their own.

    One of the reasons I'm not so keen on 3DR's Nelly dumbing down the sky.

  • But then who's to say where you can and cannot fly, there may be a park in a city.

    When you guys come up with ideas you need to think of the practicality, is it something that could be viably done with minimal knowledge eg warnings on a splash screen

  • Actually that could be a viable idea. Set up a "Geo-Fenced" set of parameters that can not be disabled and then as you have implied, the craft, whether it is a fixed wing, copter style or other vehicle, could / would only operate inside the "Authorized" parameters. Certainly not what I would like to see but it would really cut down on the "incidents" from occurring. Those who had the knowledge or where with all to disable or circumvent these limitations would be "Outlaws". Punishable accordingly. I could see this hobby migrating in this direction unfortunately unless a little more "self" policing or restraint does not take place. They already do some of this on some AV Tx that are imported. Certain frequencies are locked out but can be manually reconfigured to operate on those unauthorized frequencies.

  • The whole RTF (autonomus) quad business is going to have to reform, or there is NOT going to be any business.

    I'm glad that these things are easy to fly. I've been flying 30 years and love that I can now relax into a bit of FPV and loft a camera, but despair that idiots now can share my airspace.

    One thing the manufacturers could do is restrict airspace. If the GPS detects it is in the pre-programmed restricted airspace on comes a red LED with a shrill buzzer, and the quad doesn't arm.

    The only reason these idiots CAN fly at all is the autopilot and GPS, So restrict RTF in built up areas.

    It won't stop Trappy, but it will stop a million clones.

  • I hate how everything that is remote controlled and has a camera on it  is now called a drone. Regardless of whether it is autonomous or not.

  • lool. now drones will be knocking to our windows and falling on our heads =)

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