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  • Maybe we will cross paths at the Drone and Aerial Robotics Conference in NYC this week (October 11-13)?

    There a number of creating and wanting people initiating associations will take more steps towards the reality and control of this New Industry. There are a number of odd associations and people trying to claim their part too....

  • A bit wordy there Morli...

    I did not list the long list of suppliers in this hobby or "Business" because in the end, that is really what it is. There are dozens if not hundreds of them. Myself included. Many are tiny and some are giant in size and resources.

    I could care less what 3DR did or did not do back when and where. You see the "Store" button at the top of this page?? Well it does not link to my web store. So I'd call that sponsorship of some sorts.

    If you are groping for a "Blame" button, which I am not, why not bark at Hobby King? Most likely they sold this DJI copter to the knucklehead that did this thing anyway and if not, so what and who cares?? The whole point of this thread was that these incidents are what's going to ruin it for the rest of you there in the USA. So at least the US suppliers should band together, collaborate, whatever it takes and be "Proactive" rather than reactive to a FAA crackdown or banning of the hobby over something like this.

    As far as other sounding boards for this sort of are right, there aren't too many, and the ones that are out there have agendas or slants to them. This one does to an extent but less than the rest.


  • Admin


    Two things  to think/ponder about  first.

    3DR did not sponsor this site to start with Just because Chris A is stakeholder at 3DR . 3DR became reality much much later. 3DR is not the only player in this hobby industry.

    How many other hobby UAV  manufacturing  company(or professional/commercial company for that matter) have discussion forum like this one where every can express their opinion ( what ever their motive/reason for negative attitude may be).  Why is that no other hobby brand/name  is blamed/finger pointed these days?

    It is not the gun that kills it is the bullet, yet it is the shooter who is responsible for pulling the trigger &gets convicted. Isn't  he or she ( if ever attended any shooting range practice/training ) made aware that

    1. Treat all shooting instruments( rifle/pistol/shotguns etc) as loaded and  lethal. there are more "Don't s " than "Do" .

    2. Never point at some one/ some thing that you don't want to shoot. Always point at safe direction/down range.

    3. don't play with these at home and keep them locked at home



    If all the above applies to users/shooter then why is it not  hobby UAV user's responsibility / duty to ensure safe operation/flight  in all respect. Why do wish to have a self correcting collition avoiding cheap hobby grade UAV to be available that any " Idiot" can fly it out of box!

    Yes it is also moral responsibility of manufacturer to participate in over health and safety issues but not limited to them alone. Unless we stop bickering  and blaming others and take responsibility about our/flier's mistake in any accident/injury or act leading to such possibility, we are not going any where with this subject.  Also remember there are no or very limited places/platform where you are allowed to have your say and be heard too.  Now what has Maxico resort or for that matter 3DR got to do with this idiot's act of flying in Manhattan sky ?


  • humor allowed.
  • When you fly (Crazyflie) ----- Wear Protection!      Bumper Cage V.2


  • @ HeliStorm A joke sure doesn't get far here. The proper response was a smiley - :-)

    Say, since you brought it up ----> if you go to Thingiverse and See I've already contributed to the health and safety of the eyes of those in the home: Cat, dog, wife, sister, brother, Dad, Mom, visitor, self, etc. and

    :-D Chill oooommmmmmm......
  • 3DR sponsors this site, they are looking or should be. With 30M to invest into this business it would make sense if they did pay closer attention to the matter at hand. They have hedged their bets however doing mfg. in Mexico. So even if USA slams the doors on something, at least they can still sell to ROW. Others focused on primarily US market will hit hard probably depending on severity of the limitations imposed. 

  • Have you told these companies John? Has anyone?

    I take it we're all experienced types here, maybe we should alert these companies to the threat their drive for profits is presenting to their market, and our hobby which represents their repeat sales market.

  • Yeah "millions" of them in the skies would scare anybody from going outside. I'm up for many hundreds of thousands however.

    Lighten up guys !!! You'd think this is the balance of world power we are discussing. This "knucklehead" did this and that one did that....It IS going to happen. Regardless of all this discussion. To prevent it; Creative safeguards and education needs to take place and be invented then rolled out or the laws surely will. Again I say, The companies that have vested interests in this area, need to step up and take this one on before it gets done for us all.

  • HeliStorm: in the birth era of the automobile, people said very similar things to what I'm saying now. The difference though is that there wasn't an elaborate bureaucracy and social safety system in place. Never mind what UAVs WILL be, with respect to restrictions and laws to be put in place, you must judge the standard by what they are now--which is what the public and government will do.

    ...and in any case, I don't think (nor want!) millions of UAVs will be flying around ;)
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