APM 2.5 in a Nurf

Had a few people ask how we install the APM in the Nurf, so here's a short video of the install.  Could use a bit of tweaking but it works for us.  We do not like to put stuff in the wings as we do a bunch of testing and it makes it a bit harder to transfer gear.  But there is plenty of room in the wings if you wanted to go there.


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  • Sorry.  Did not mean for y'all to suffer through the landing gear segment.  Fast forward to 2:53 for the APM info.

    BTW, we started with the X5 param file and it works OK for start.  A bit too aggressive and the speeds are off.

    Nurf stall is about 18MPH at sea level and a good cruise is about 30.  Hope to get more detailed power charts in the next few weeks.

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