I been working "hard" and the fastest i can to finish this thing, theres only one step remaining in order to start the "mass" production of this board.
This is how the last step will be done:
-A unique assembled board will be shipped from California to Spain.
-Then Jose Julio in Spain will open his "Surprise Board" and make us the great favor to all of us of checking the board integrity and the harmony of all the components on it (thanks in advance JJ).
-That includes checking some new components i can't mention right now.
-If Jose Julio says 'Si", then i will start the mass production.
By now SparkFun is straggling trying to supply all the components and test bed for APM. It will be released soon.
The board is kinda of big right now. This board will be called the "huge" version. When the code becomes very mature i will create a an smaller version of the APM and APM Oil Pan without the multiplexor on the APM and without the bulky FTDI chip on the APM Oil Pan, so i can save 30% of the size. This one will be called ArduPilotMega "In my way" version. ;-)
Oil pan stands for the old shield name. The difference is that the shield goes into the bottom of the ArduPilotMega board.
Come 2:56AM!!
thank you for such a fast answer !
Gilles (FRANCE)
The shields are almost ready, I'm just waiting for final approval i can post some pictures as soon is possible....
The Shield is very flexible too! You can put it on the bottom or in the top of APM... Also you can use the female headers either way.... But let see if we can set an standard.... ;-)
The availability would be around two weeks (only 80 boards).... Almost for sure..
Regards and thanks for the patient!
I have just received my APM : very nice board.
Like everybody, I am now waiting for its associated IMU shield.
So, 4 little questions :
1. Do you have news about its availability ?
2. Do you have its final schematics (in pdf format is possible ?)
3. Do you have screenshots of its final configuration ?
4. whath king of contacts do you suggest for the APM (male, female , curved, ...) and which one will be in contact with the IMU shield ?
The question #4 is also important to prepare the APM that is waiting its connectors...
Thanks a lot for your work (and for your answers !!)
Best regards,
I know about that issue exactly, but i didn't have time to think a response, is the same problem inductors cause. I was confused because i remember a similar issue involving relays, diodes and magnetic fields, but in this case when the internal switch of the relay has an inductor between it and a the power supply, the "metal plates" of the relay stick together after it disconnects (relay gets damaged),, this is caused when the magnetic field of the inductor collapses after the switch is disconnected and generate a spark that melts the metal plates inside the relay and they "fuse" together..
I also knew about the internal diode on the uController but i never think about the coil. I was confident the system was fine because i roughly test it on my servo switch...