Lots of small tweaks and performance improvements. Here's how testing AP went in the Park:
If you compile with Arduino, you can now set CH7 to trigger some cool things like RTL, or In-Flight leveling.
Check the GIT tree for details on the changes. Most are just nerdy code optimizations.
This release feels very close, if not the last beta. Thanks for all the testing,
I would say be extra careful with 2.0.44. Latest changes have made takeoff really tricky on some quads/hexas and might crash or hit something during takeoff.
Not sure yet how much this is causing problems when running smaller motors and 10" propellers but be careful at least when using bigger motors and 12" propellers.
Trying to find out more information.
If you have flown latest code and done full reset, please post comments on it.
Stefan, yes forget that we had some problems that was caused by repository changes. And fresh install fixed that problem
@Jani: You need to manually update to higher values as the repo pulling has changed (from SVN to GIT I think). So, once you get a higher version it will pull newer ones correctly.
Try getting it manually from here: http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/downloads/list
Chris, looks like I'm still getting 1.0.66 planner out, updated it 3 times already..
Just updated the Wiki on programming missions using the Mission Planner.
re optflow...yes, the FOV is too small (currently 11.3 degrees) and it leads to an overestimation in the roll/pitch correction that in turn leads to wobbles when you get above 4 meters or so. You'll see this line in AP_OpticalFlow_ADNS3080.h. I'm sure it needs to be at least 12 degrees.
// field of view of ADNS3080 sensor lenses
#define AP_OPTICALFLOW_ADNS3080_08_FOV 0.202458 // 11.6 degrees
I'm hoping to get the exact value this weekend but I"m running out of time it seems...
Alt Hold needs to be enabled in the config.h file. It's still experimental, but Randy has flown it and it works. Right now it blends with GPS. Randy says he has some tuning to do based on field of view, etc. Other than that, He'll need to comment.
Anis, try Arduino. It's way more fun to tinker and learn about the code. Plus you can compile in special features. It's worth learning.
Jason, had a great alt-hold/simple mode switch flight this afternoon with 2.0.44
Working well, moving on to loiter and waypoints next.
Is opt-flow integrated into any mixes yet? I have the HW, but removed it to simplify things.
Keep up the great work.
I 'm on 2.0.42 using 1.0.68 right now and its flying beautifully ; so just to keep it like that a couple of weeks :] should i avoid updating to 2.0.44 using 1.0.75 or can one select APM rev .42 with it if needed ?
Im trying avoiding updating through arduino; im not up to for ultra-tweaking or dev right now, to say the least :)
This version is now available as a download in the Mission Planner. (Also, the Mission Planner has been updated to 1.0.75)