Here goes a little video of my recent flight!
Morning happy today with ArduCopter Beta. :)
Good time flying there, even with some wind. I needed to change the commands quickly sometimes because of wind, but the response of the IMU and firmware is awesome to keep it nice.
ArduCopter is awesome nice! And I'm not talking it as a member of the core team, but as an user. When you fly it, you'll understand why. Happy flights for all!
@Rafael: The ArduCopter frame is awesome and a LOT weightless. I made my own frame last year, but I need to tell you... is really hard to achieve the ArduCopter frame weight. Mine AC have 912g with all electronics and some extras, excluding the battery.
I'm building a full DIY quad now (my own design for frame and eletronics) but I'm thinking of using the ArduCopter frame (and the ArduPilot) for a second quad. It's not easy for us in Brazil for build UAV because the lack of options to get parts (custom taxes here are pain in the...). Keep up the good work on ArduCopter team!
Yes it's not interesting at all :(((
I want it NOW, can i help. OSD OSD OSD !!!! :)
Probably, you will need to buy it from here: Is the international ArduCopter store outside the EUA.
The empty weight of mine is 912kg with telemetry (XBee Pro), external uBEC, RX with all the cables and a 3S battery allarm (grows to 1.08kg with 3S 2200mah battery). I can fly well up to 1.5kg. 600g of extra payload will be too much for a quad. This weight is recommended only for hexa or octacopters.
Best regards!
Sim, Jefferson. Esse chassi na loja DIYDrones é o mesmo modelo, porém, com as mais recentes melhorias. A eletrônica básica é a mesma. Você precisará comprar os ESCs, motores, bateria e usar o seu sistema de rádio de pelo menos seis canais. ;)
Provavelmente, você irá comprar aqui: É a loja internacional do ArduCopter para fora dos EUA. O peso vazio do meu é 912g com telemetria (XBee Pro), uBEC externo, receptor de rádio com todos os cabos e um alarme de bateria 3S (sobe para 1,08kg com a bateria 3S 2200mah). Posso voar com peso total de até 1,5kg. 600g de peso extra é muito para um quadricóptero. Esse peso é adequado apenas para um hexa ou octacóptero.
Tudo de bom pra você! ;)
Belo video, parabens.
The time that I have followed the development of arduCopter am very proud to know that there is a Brazilian working on this platform.
Anyway I'll buy a quad, but would like your help on choosing a few items.
This kit and the same video?
With this he gets an electronic payload of 600g? because then I would get two more cameras PA 250g each and install telemetry system.
@Max, you need to say: "OK, go back to modeling". I'm modeling the newest power distribution right now.
For now, I'm coding only for a personal experimental project. Something you will not like... just a remote camera control with shooting, zoom and OSD data injector. :P
OK go back to coding :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks to you, i'm having fun too !!!!!!!!!!