- All the ArduPilot 1.0 functions: programmable 3D waypoints; return-to-launch mode, in-flight reset ability, fully programmable actions at waypoint and totally expandable board.
- Now integrates the stabilization and navigation functions, eliminating the need for a FMA Co-Pilot and vastly improving waypoint tracking
- Controls elevator and ailerons/rudder. Throttle control coming in 2.1
- "Fly-by-wire" mode stabilizes the aircraft in RC mode, duplicating the function of the FMA Co-Pilot
- Stores home waypoints and sensor calibration in EEPROM, so they are retained even in the case of a system restart
- Controls altitude with the elevator, vastly improving performance in wind
- Currently optimized for the three-channel EasyStar. Versions have also been tested on Funjet and four-channel Superstar (code coming soon)
- Simple in-field calibration process
- Can use any thermopile XY sensors (default settings are for the FMA sensor, but Paparazzi, AttoPilot and custom sensors can also be used)
- Currently supports the EM406 GPS. Support for Locosys and Ublox GPS modules coming soon
- Uses "chained PID loops" to combine the stabilization and navigation functions seamlessly
- ArduPilot board ($24.95)
- EM406 GPS module ($59.95)
- A FMA XY sensor ($42.95; if you already have a FMA Co-Pilot, you can use its sensor). If you're buying the FMA sensor by itself, you'll also need to purchase a cable.
- A FTDI cable, such as the Sparkfun ($13.95) or Adafruit ($20) ones
- ArduPilot 2.0 code (Free)
- Uses Z sensor for self-calibration in the field
- Uses small desktop app to load ArduPilot settings and waypoints, without having to work with code
- Adds throttle to altitude control, improving accuracy and wind performance
Thoughts, and discussion?
We are waiting your new version and Much Thanks
To Pumuky:
Yes we going to update version 1 for you people.
Now just to clarify the PID chain or P and PI chain to be exactly, is different from EasyStar to Funjet. Funjet uses ailerons to make turns (that was easy to code), now, to control the heading vs bank angle with the rudder (in this case easystar) was trickier than funjet... I had to use a different PI system that also includes an absolute position. Whatever it works, and works like this: The heading error, output the rudder/ailerons SetPoint of the roll PID, Example Ardupilot says: OMG i want to go 50 degrees to the right, so it will output more or less 30 degrees to the roll set point, so the Roll PI will try to bank and maintain 30 degrees, then the airplane will start to turn right without roll over. As soon the airplane get close to the desired heading the PI will start reducing the bank angle to 0, and fly forward... Is similar with the altitude.
Yes the messages change to binary protocol and the speed to 57600 bps. You can use you module with ardupilot and also you can use the GS405 with helical antenna (SF).
Now if the unit is already in binary protocol it will ignore the commands. The problem is with EM405, it switch back to NMEA after some time (when the battery/capacitor discharge)...