Here's what I hope is the final release.
As the new Manual gets formatted, you can view it at:
Until the content is finally moved over the 2.4 manual is still a great resource.
Bonus - If you look check out the Waypoint_writer_25.pde file in the test suite, you can upload relative waypoints. This isn't supported in the config tool yet.
A lot of people were having trouble with the GPS code and LEDs. I reworked the GPS parsers today to iron out some things. They were nothing that would interfere with flight, but I highly recommend using this new version. I've also added the ability to scale down your plane's roll based on airspeed. This should help planes that turn faster when they go slower. We may tweak this a bit in the future, so I'm looking for feedback on it. Note you can always turn it off in your header file with this line:
see the header file for more instructions
The 2.5.1 team is still in the middle of their work. I'm pushing them bug fixes as I find them.
I'll check out your code. Thanks!
I did this because I do not really understand the usefulness of the code 2.5.1, I can't run with my setup infact. All, seem to work fine on my demo board.
Th config tool was written a while ago and can't reliably set a home position. It's a user option and it can be easily overwritten by a GPS. So instead I use an offset from WP1 as the home.
Make sure you move the stick to the extremes of two corners. Your basically trying to the the AP the full swing of your control surfaces. Good luck.
It didn't want to follow waypoints, went very far and dive into ground.
In debug mode with the last release I got the results below.
WPs list.
Don't understand the different position of Home and WP1, instead the path is very nice.
Thanks and a nice day
ck_a byte = 0;
ck_b byte = 0;
Variables already declared in Ardupilot_25.
numo Serial.available = ();
if (numo> 0)
for (int i = 0; i
( data = ();
switch (GPS_step) / / Normally we start from zero. This is a state machine
case 0:
Changed switch (GPS_step) by switch (IMU_step).
if (payload_length = 6)
GPS_update = GPS_IMU;
else (
GPS_update = GPS_IMU | | GPS_BOTH;
Changed by (payload_length == 6).
Do you understand why the angle braces didn't work? It's because you don't have a header file in your arduino library. If you want you can do that. There are many advantages to doing it that way, but to get someone started from scratch that way is a support issue.
I'll be uploading some new code today, but you should be all set.
From: #include "easystar_25.h"
to: #include < easystar_25.h > (ignore the spaces)
Backt to: #include "easystar_25.h"
So next: airframe tester serial output: Ardupilot_airframe_tester_25- 13.02.10.txt
Init Ardupilot Airframe Tester 2.5.0
Startup: Ground
Radio IN: R:1522 E:1501 T:996 Analog IN: 0:528, 1: 503, 2: 511 Sensors: ir_max:40 roll:-10 pitch:-28 PWM OUT: R:1500 E:1500 T:1015
Reading radio limits:
Move sticks to: upper right and lower Left.
To Continue, hold the stick in the corner for 2 seconds.
R:1522 E:1501 T:996
#define CH1_MIN 1372
#define CH1_MAX 1672
#define CH2_MIN 1351
#define CH2_MAX 1928
#define CH3_TRIM 996
#define FAILSAFE_PWM 946
ch1_trim 1522
ch2_trim 1501
Turning On Stabilization
Throttle input is enabled
Battery Voltage input is disabled
Throttle output is enabled
Remove Safety Flag
Remove Safety Flag
Remove Safety Flag
Ready to FLY.
Radio IN: R:1521 E:1842 T:996 Analog IN: 0:524, 1: 504, 2: 511 Sensors: ir_max:40 roll:-6 pitch:-22 PWM OUT: R:1500 E:1500 T:1015
Radio IN: R:1522 E:1501 T:996 Analog IN: 0:513, 1: 499, 2: 511 Sensors: ir_max:40 roll:11 pitch:-15 PWM OUT: R:1521 E:1501 T:1000
Radio IN: R:1521 E:1501 T:996 Analog IN: 0:513, 1: 500, 2: 511 Sensors: ir_max:40 roll:10 pitch:-14 PWM OUT: R:1476 E:1610 T:1272
Radio IN: R:1521 E:1501 T:996 Analog IN: 0:513, 1: 500, 2: 511 Sensors: ir_max:40 roll:10 pitch:-14 PWM OUT: R:1475 E:1615 T:1344
Radio IN: R:1521 E:1501 T:996 Analog IN: 0:513, 1: 500, 2: 511 Sensors: ir_max:4
I followed your 3-way switch setup. According to the above it detects the seperate positions. In airframe tester the IR works. I haven't tested it in flight yet but moving my hand in front of the IR sensors worked as they supposted to work.
Hope this helps
Sound like you haven't set it up properly. You've run all the test files? The airframe tester is working with IR?
Can you send me the output of you Serial monitor as a file?