
Ardupilot 2.5 Release Candidate

I was finally able to test 2.5 over the weekend and added a few tweaks to the code.
Here's what I hope is the final release.

As the new Manual gets formatted, you can view it at:
Until the content is finally moved over the 2.4 manual is still a great resource.

Bonus - If you look check out the Waypoint_writer_25.pde file in the test suite, you can upload relative waypoints. This isn't supported in the config tool yet.


A lot of people were having trouble with the GPS code and LEDs. I reworked the GPS parsers today to iron out some things. They were nothing that would interfere with flight, but I highly recommend using this new version. I've also added the ability to scale down your plane's roll based on airspeed. This should help planes that turn faster when they go slower. We may tweak this a bit in the future, so I'm looking for feedback on it. Note you can always turn it off in your header file with this line:
see the header file for more instructions

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  • I'm trying the 2.5 RC with the red board, NO shield, and the EM406 GPS module.

    I have not been able to get the blue LED to show if It has a real sat-lock or not. It just keeps lighting almost instantly.
    - Is there a fix for this? Does it work for anyone else with similar hardware?

    I have another LED questing :-) The Yellow Stat LED.
    With version 2.46 I had a problem that it stopped flashing. It turned out that the reason for that was just that I hadn't connected signal IN2 yet. That solved the problem.
    But, with v2.5RC I havn't seen the yellow flashing at all!
    - Isn't it supposed to flash? I think it's nice to see that the program is running.

  • Moderator
    I'm not getting any navigation function at all and I can't see what's wrong - stabilization works 100%!

    My board is set like this, (everything else as it came from the repository except for the settings like SIRF, Shield version etc):

    #define POSITION_1 MANUAL
    #define POSITION_2 LOITER
    #define POSITION_3 RTL

    everything else is set correctly as far as I can tell

    condensed serial output on the ground as follows:

    wp_total 2
    options 0
    wp_radius 10
    Startup: Air
    prev_WP: 0 0 0
    next_WP: -261100600 280091940 329600
    wp_total: 2
    home: -261100600 280091940 164800
    wp #1 -261511520 279781490 3000
    wp #2 -261525490 279776500 3000
    ##0| MANUAL
    ##7| LOITER
    Loaded WP index:0
    prev_WP: -261099195 280088633 158648
    next_WP: -261100600 280091940 329600
    ##6| RTL


    It seems the GPS is being read correctly and the switch likewise but after switching over there is absolutely no change in the attitude or direction of the plane???
  • anyone can help how to set failsafe with the code. Im using corona RP8D1. I know how to set the corona but when I OFF the radio Ardupilot just turn to STABILIZE not RTL.
  • Got my maiden in today with this code and a freshly built EZ*

    One of the best maidens ever. The plane was trimmed perfectly off the bat, the code stabilized better than any of the other code out of the box, and the new waypoint reporting in the logs is nice.

    My python KML converter script doesn't seem to want to parse this log file yet....what are the chances of getting the uBlox TOW (time of week) variable in the log reporting? It would be nice to have to create GE playbacks of flights.

    I've added it in 2.4 by myself, but it would be nice to have it in the base build of 2.5

    Here's a video of the flight.

    Thanks for the the efforts!

  • test the code... connect GSC with xbee, the value is good but its keep resetting.
  • Developer
    I uses the output of the telemetry and rendered it with google earth using the Flash API.
  • Hi Jason,
    here it is snowing a lot and must delay test fligths. Sigh.
    Waypoints are OK and I too wonder what happens, the idea is to tape a GPS recorder on the plane in order to record the actual path and compare with the mission.
    I have this one.

    I will keep you informed.
    What software did you use to plot the waypoints?
    Have a nice week end
  • Developer
    That's cool. The nice thing about using throttle for FS is that you can have essentially 4 mode instead of three. I currently use:

    1 manual
    2 FBW or Auto
    3 Stabilize
    FS: RTL (this is automatic)
  • Hello Jason,
    Some Futaba FASST radios can set failsafe on more than throttle. ie 10CAP Transmitter/TM-10 FASST module/ 8 Ch or 14 Ch receivers. Then you have failsafe on all channles. Sort of overkill but sure makes life easier.

  • Developer
    Hi Jay,
    Try and upload the Airframe tester. Then flip your control switch and note which modes are turning on.

    My guess is you will only get position 1 and 3. If so, position 2 can be ignored or set to RTL.

    Maybe you can do some fancy mixing with another switch to get that middle position? I know some radios give you lots of flexibility there. Or you can also make your failsafe set the control switch to the middle position and set that to RTL. Then your plane will fly home if you loose radio contact.

    I do RTL with the throttle, as Futaba Fasst radios are limited in this way.
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