Jordi figured out how to make the ArduPilot shield $5 cheaper--now it's just $32.50 with the differential pressure sensor.
--Airspeed sensor
--Battery voltage sensor
--3.3v power regulator to support 5Hz GPS modules
--Allows programming of ArduPilot without removing GPS
--Easy attachment of other sensors and wireless modems
If you've got an ArduPilot, either 168 or 328, you totally need this. Flying with an airspeed sensor is 100% better!
1st class mail from sparkfun for ardupilot is only $3.++. Last couple hours I place an order for ardupilot shield and shipping is $15.45. But now I check, the shipping drop to $12.95??
I was in the store ready to order a shield and found the cheapest shipping was $11.45. I use 1st class mail from Sparkfun for a couple of dollars all the time.
Looks as if the pressure sensor has changed Chris or is it just the angle ? I should have added added a :P to my previous post. It's the only downside to trying to stay at the front of development I'm afraid :)
I don't think you need a proper Pitot tube (twin tube). It should be enough to just connect the top nipple to a single aluminum tube in the airstream and leave the lower nipple unconnected to record ambient pressure in the cockpit.