The ArduRover (based on ArduPilotOne) user base is growing and it is time for a beta release. Right now, as the core developer, I do not have enough time to test the code thoroughly on all platforms. If you have an unmanned rover, boat, or quad, and a mavlink compatible ground station (free for download/ qgroundcontrol, hk gcs etc.) then feel free to become a beta tester.
As the community grows, documenting the code behavior for the end user will be important. A comprehensive wiki like the one currently available for ArduPilotMega would be a huge help. So if you can contribute to the documentation also contact me and I'll get you added to the google code project.
Finally, if you have C++ coding experience and have patches to the code for improved functionality feel free to send them to me. If you submit enough helpful patches, I'll invite you to the development team.
email: <-- email me to join the team
You need to be a member of diydrones to add comments!
James, I'm trying to set up a rover using ArduRover. I've got a little bit confused with the source repositories - there's on at and then there's and APO and ArduRover directories in the main ArduPilotMega repositories. Both of them seem to have some activity going on. What's the idea behind that? Which one is the one to be used?
Daniel, it's all moved to Github:
I would like to try the code, but I get 403 error, when I try to open the link.
I have yet to post pictures but have started documentation on the wiki.
If you guys run into any error as you are working with the beta make sure to post an issue here:
Also, if you can help with the documentation, want me to explain something let me know.
I will post some setup pictures of what I'm using soon, hopefully tonight (on the wiki). The only catch is that you must use a separate 2 cell lipo to power the board (this means unsoldering sj1). Most speed controllers for rovers won't supply enough current through the bec to power the whole autopilot with gps etc.
On the connection questions....are there any instructions on how to wire up one of the rovers, like the RedCat Chris mentions above?
I use the MaxSonarLV, but anything in the APM library should work. For obstacle avoidance it is best to get the one with the wide beam width. You attach the range finder to 5v, gnd, and an adc pin on the apm hardware. I have the forward obstacle avoidance sensor defaulting to pin 1, but you can change that in ardupilotone.pde if you like.