Hi, I'm building ArduRover with Skid Steering, The platform are base of DFROBOT Pirate 4WD and using 2 DC Motor L298N
I'm using the firmare for Pixhawk 1 (fmuv3)
and according the ardupilot docs for Rover
My config for CH1 and CH 3 are
For “Skid steering” vehicles (like R2D2) these parameters values will need to be set:
- SERVO1_FUNCTION = 73 (Throttle Left)
- SERVO3_FUNCTION = 74 (Throttle Right)
Actualy its depend on your wiring setup at L298N for direction
Here is the schematic of how I wiring it.
The ENA and ENB jumper was remove.
For skid-steering vehicles like the Pirate 4WD from DFROBOT
In my transmitter when throttle is zero the the ch1 push left a quarter, it will rotate the rover to left (left wheel stop - right wheel move) and also the opposite. But if push full it will move fast forward.
If the ch 3 push half more (55%) it will move forward slowly. I'm still setup some parameters for smooth moving.