I got hold of a Arduino Mega ADK clone , which has a MAX 3421E USB host interface hardwired on the board. Due to some recent code changes, I can now use it with the USB Host Shield library. I have been successful in interfacing Logitech joystick to it and am getting readings on the joystick axes :)
With the arrival of ardustation-ii and ardustation-mega, integration of joystick control using the Mavlink R/C override function could be easily accomplished and easy control like a R/C controller could be achieved without lugging a laptop around.
Presently, the example HID joystick code that comes with the USB Host shield library gives hexadecimal numbers with changes to the joystick axes. I'd like to combine this with Ardustation and a 3DR radio for a small GCS with joystick control.
I am not that good a coder, so I need some developers like Tridge to help me out. I have all the hardware, and just need help in coding. I could help in troubleshooting all code on my side with the H/W. Alternatively you can just buy a USB host shield(cumbersome) and attach it to a Arduino. I checked out Mavlink page and the Mission Planner development wiki, but not much info on the R/C override.
I only need a Xbee 'air' adapter and a 12x6 LCD (not available in India)or a GLCD for the full ardustation setup for testing. If anybody has any old/extra, please PM me.
If you want to help/support this project and think you would be benefited by it, just leave a comment below with your opinion :)
Mohammed, you should check out Ian's joystick project. The project uses a Mega and the same library to read a logitech joystick and output PPM. A lot different then sending the joystick commands over mavlink but I bet you could get some ideas looking at his code. I'm going to check out the USB shield library and see if it would be possible to run Ians code on this board! I built a custom RC transmitter with his V2 that interfaces directly from the pots and switches and outputs PPM.
Ian Johnston's USB HID to PPM project (joystick v3)