
Ardu(tri)Copter gets converted to Ardu(Y6)Copter

Here is a quick preview of my next frame for ArduCopterMega. That is my Tri-Copter frame with the old landing skids (t-rex 500) from first quad frame. I just need to rewire ECS :) And its ready to fly. 

Arms are 15X15mm 1mm thick and 500mm long.

10X4.7 BC2836-11 750KV 30A ESC 4S 3000mah lipo.

3689394972?profile=original 3689394895?profile=original




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  • can you send me a diagram of your motors and prop direction

    and also tell me which software u use is it same as u use in quadcopter
  • Developer


    The code is up. Let me know how it works for you. Also can you send me a diagram of your motors and prop directions?


  • @sid: back spins up to fly forward
  • Moderator
    Good work Max ;)
  • @ Max..thanks for your input. This is something great for a Y frame. I was under impression that you need a yaw servo for this type of design. How Y frame handles left and right forward flight ? I am not clear..while doing a left forward flight the right motor should rev up and left should rev down but what happens to the rear motor ?


  • Developer
    I'll have you that Y6 patch in the morning. Jason
  • Developer
    The code is not out yet, but as soon as do some test flights, it will be added to ACM.
    There is no need for YAW servo, YAW controlled by CCW/CW rotating motors (same as quad yaw control):
    TOP FRONT motors CCW / BOTTOM FRONT CW, TOP REAR CW / BOTTOM REAR CCW. TOP motors are rotating 5%~10% slower (need to do some tuning there).
  • Developer
    This one look like real a winner, Now to write a little software for loosing 1 motor and still maintain controlled flight.
  • Hi which code are you using..? Can you pass on the link ? How you are taking care of yaw ? will appreciate some pix of the yar mechanism of the rear motor.


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