I made a video showing how I used a $20 ADS-B receiver to overlay air traffic on FPV video from my drone--in a web browser. The blog post, "Augmented reality display of air traffic for amateur drones" has more details, including instructions on how you can do the same thing.
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Nice plot using fusion tables. I have never invested much time into it, now I see that I should take another look.
Anyway like you pointed out this closed data aggregator thing isn't going to work. I don't even know if it legal to use that data. Anyway I'll not invest time into something that will be shutdown as son as we start using the data.
Someone pointed me that the ADS-B data is only used in airliners, and those aren't on our biggest concern. Does "low altitude" aircraft's use that system?
Arthur, it looks like full_all.json is a pretty small subset of their data. For example, here's a map plotting all the positions from a snapshot of full_all.json about 10 minutes ago:https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid=1DQDmO7WqBqxTI...
The flightradar24 web app seems to use JSONP from regional-specific URLs, e.g. http://db8.flightradar24.com/zones/na_sw_all.js?callback=pd_callbac...
There's plenty of code already out there, like librtlsdr and dump1090, that might help. It looks like people have already done some work on communicating with an RTL-SDR from Android, e.g. https://github.com/keesj/android-rtlsdr and http://dangerousprototypes.com/2013/03/31/sdr-touch-android-app-for...
Maybe an option is to just plug the RF receiver dongle on the USB port of the tablet and decode the ADB-S data.
But doing the USB driver+ ADS-B data decoder will be big job. I better order a dongle from Amazon soon (takes a long time to get to Brazil)...
I just found this link: http://www.flightradar24.com/zones/full_all.json . It looks good, but I don't know for how long it will be accessible. Or even if it is right to use that data.
The open ADS-B data aggregator is a nice idea. Anyway It would be great to have that information on the DroidPlanner app.
Arthur, there currently is nowhere to get that info online as far as I know.
Flightradar24 is probably the biggest aggregator of world-wide ADS-B data, but their data is not open and they do not have an external API. This is despite the fact that they have over 500 volunteers contributing data (it reminds me of a similar data collection that used volunter effort and then closed its data). I tend to think this is an obsolete model that is not viable in the long term.
I think this is a great time for modern ideas about open data to bloom in this part of the aviation world, and for interested people to start a completely open, worldwide aggregator of ADS-B data.
I wonder if there is some way to get the ADS-B information online?
That way I could add a feature to DroidPlanner where it displays a warning if there is a plane in a near radius.
Marc...good point. Although, I would imagine someone, somewhere, just once, has used an ultralight to make some money. I am not saying this is correct, as it is not correct for anyone to currently use UAS commercially. But, it happens. I hope that someone foolishly using this technology does not ruin it for everyone. I also hope sensible laws come about which allow UAS to be used for commercial uses, including agriculture and utility work, two areas in which I have interest. Also, for disaster relief efforts, which is an area I have most interest.
I apologize for thread-jacking, as I diverted way off the main topic of this discussion, which is John's amazing heads up air traffic awareness system. I think the next several years will be interesting for this hobby, and industry, and work by the likes of John will help move things in the right direction. Thank you!
Keep in mind that Part 103 ultralights are prohibited from commercial use in the US, with the sole exception of flight instruction. With the airspace restrictions, ultralights can't ever be anything more than a hobby. The intent is to give UAVs access to more airspace and permit wider commercial use, which will inevitably lead to stricter regulation.
[ For those outside of the US, by the way, our "ultralights" are your "microlights", and your "ultralights", are our "light sport aircraft" ]