Due to a lack of Crowdsourcing experience and an unreachable goal, The BE High School Tech Club Kickstarter was unsuccessful. Of our 1000$ goal, we raised 286$. With 6 days to go, it is not going to happen. But thanks to all who donated! DIYDrones was our single biggest supporter, at 43% by pledge amount.
We realize that in retrospect the major issue our campaign faced was the all-or-nothing funding system used by Kickstarter. Our club is not an all-or nothing type of thing, and so this did not fit our needs. Live and Learn!
To remedy this issue, we have relaunched the campaign on IndeGoGo, which uses a flexible funding system. In addition, out goal has been lowered to 500$.
The Original DIY Drones Post is here: http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/behs-technology-and-engineering-club-needs-your-support
And the Update is here: http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/be-tech-club-kickstarter-almost-done
The new campaign is here: http://igg.me/at/BEHSTECH/x/3822546
Thanks for the Support and sorry for the confusion,
-Tim Vrakas
PS: Another member suggested to me that we could accept old gear. For Sure! If you would rather donate old parts and things, that would be awesome! send me an email at tim.vrakas@gmail.com!
Good luck with your indiegogo project. I'm about to start a project with a high school class at King Low Heywood school in Stamford CT.
I meant to change the title to brookfeild east, not BE. I must have forgotten, but I'll see if I can change it.
You might consider links to the school or more information up front to clearly identify your location.
I figured it out after going to your profile.
You are welcome to come to my garage and haul off half the stuff I have for your program.
I keep giving stuff to the STEM groups at the school where my wife works.
I don't have a lot of crowdsourcing experience either but I was impressed with your approach and thought that your goal was entirely reasonable. I'm quite surprised that you didn't get more support. Nonetheless, I think it was a great experience for you and that you have done a good job.
I wish you better luck at IndeGoGo!
TCIII Autonomous Vehicle Developer