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  • Hey Billu Bhaiya !

    It was amazingly nice to hear you on podcast !
    Personally for me it was highly emotional moments to hear you.

    Flag points of your Interview:
    1. You worked for around 35 years in GE for lost of projects related to high tech electronics including medical engineering and firmware design using Assebly and C languages. And now a days you are instructor at Sparkfun.

    2. You happened to come into the design of Aotopilot because of your son and just to save your planes as you were crashing your planes quite frequent like me.

    3. You discussed about three types of UAV Development Borads including the one which had GPS antenna external and having two gyros and two accelrometers and then discussed about the green board and red board.

    4. You then discussed about the the initial features of the UAV Dev. Board 2 of green board which was stabilization and return to launch.

    5. Then you discussed about the performance of the UAV Dev. Board 2 and latest Firmware. During this you also indicated about the success story from your RC Test Pilot from India, which was me only. Thanks for that.

    6. You then discussed about the vibration issue in the red board due to cheap gyros, however there was no vibration issue in the green board which had Analog Devices Gyros 75deg/sec. You also discussed about the video shown by your friend in which his plane made a deaf dive due to vibration issue came while the plane was airborne. You also suggested to used foam rubber to hold the red board and to place the red board at such a place in the fuselage, nearer the CG so that the performance of the red board can be increased or in other words the imunity towards vibration of the red board can be increased by doing so.

    7. You then discussed about the Firmware development contribution by Ben Levitt. which has lots of features.

    Billu Bhaiya, it was very very nice to hear you !

    Keep it up !

    Thanks & Best Regards

  • Theme song for the podcast should be 'Learning to Fly' by Tom Petty :)
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