Connecting an ardupilot card with a datalogger?

I'm currently trying to connect a Sparkfun logomatic v2 serial datalogger (WIG-08627) to the ardupilot card. I understand how to do it using anolog connections ,but I can't figure out how to do it through a serial connection. Does anyone know how to connect the ardupilot with the datalogger using a serial connection?
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  • Developer
    Thanks for the tips, I hate these types of errors. I will give it a try.
  • Just to be complete, the three pins I use for ASCII logging are the left three pins on the top edge in this picture:

    Good luck!
  • My list of debugging tips for the Logomatic: format your memory card as FAT16, power up the logomatic with the empty card in it so that it creates a fresh LOGCON.txt file, edit the LOGCON.txt file to enable ASCII logging and make sure you set the baud rate integer correctly. Connect the ground, power, and data line and it should do what you need. I have only been able to reliably write to these from Arduinos at 57,600 or lower, but I have other devices that write successfully to these at 115,200 all the time.

    Also, when I edit the LOGCON,txt file, I am careful to only change the characters that I need to change. For example, to change a "N" to a "Y" I put the cursor next to the N, backspace over it, and type my Y. There are two whitespace characters at the end of each line that you don't want to mess with, in general. I work across many OS's and and text editors with these cards and different editors handle whitespace and selecting line endings differently and I have lost test data and wasted time debugging due to non-visible changes to that config file. Sorry if I'm coming across as OCD or superstitious, but I hate situations where you edit something, things break, you change it back to the way it was before, and things are still broken.
  • I did it, easy, the gps tx goes to the ardupilot rx, just to added the info I needed to the ardupilot output (like lat/lon, speed, etc), and connect the ardupilot tx to the logomatic rx. i powered the logomatic from 5v, I think.
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