
Free Webinar: Developing code for the APM


On Monday July 16th 2012, at 5pm Pacific Time,I will be hosting a 90min webinar on Developing for the APM. 

Guests will include several members of the development team and from 3DR.

The webinar will cover some of the following topics, time permitting (we may have to split it into two webinars):

Part A

  • Setting up a development environment on Windows, Linux or Mac
  • Getting the code (download and git)
  • Compiling the code for different configurations

Part B

  • A guided tour of the code, explaining how different pieces fit together
  • From idea to running code - code, compile, test, document, create a patch and submit for review (for a bug or feature)
  • Developer support tools: autotest, autobuild, SITL, HIL, jenkins

If you would like to attend this webinar, please respond here:

(this is a courtesy RSVP so we can evaluate attendance - the meeting is open to all anyway)

If you cannot attend on this day or at this time, use the link above to tell us a better time/day for the next webinar!

TO JOIN THE WEBINAR (on the day of the webinar)

Go to:  

For audio, join by Internet or using one of the international phone numbers:

Internet: Click the telephone icon on the webinar screen (URL above)

Telephone: Click on the telephone icon to see a list of numbers. Or see the FAQ:

There are phone numbers in about 30 countries. 


To get the most value out of the webinar it is suggested that you read the wiki (especially the Appendix) and have the latest Arduino IDE (1.01) and a copy of the source code. You also must have at least a basic understanding of programming languages, but you do not need to be a programmer (this is for all levels of experience)

Comments and feedback appreciated. 

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

You need to be a member of diydrones to add comments!

Join diydrones


  • Developer

    Thanks to all the devs who joined and all those who participated. Got some great questions!

    We had some audio problems (understatement) and will likely use a different conference service next time. I apologize for the audio. 

    If anyone recorded audio, please contact me. I will sync with video once I have it. I know that at least 2 people, possibly more, recorded the call. Since audio quality varied by location, please send me anything you have, even 5-10 min, it might be better than other copies. Or I might have no copies, after all. Your copy may be the ONLY one. Puppies may be hurt without that audio. (no puppies will be hurt)

    If you participated, please comment with any feedback, suggestions, etc. 

    - Should there be a next time?

    - What topics to cover next time (suggestions include SITL,"from idea to code" tutorial, or deeper dive into specific topics.)

    - All other feedback, good, bad or indifferent

  • Any luck on recording (or setting up a 2nd webinar). I got called away last minute to fix a robot and just finished (doh).

  • Thanks. This time I got PST time correct =)

  • Developer

    One hour and fourty minutes from... NOW

  • I'll try recording using ScreenFlow (system video+audio), just hope my ISP won't let me down this time.

    To double check - webinar starts in less than 2 hours, right?

  • Developer

    I will be recording my screen and my audio. But I will only capture my voice (I have no easy way of recording the call)

    It would be great if someone can record the screen remotely and someone could also record the audio from the audio conference remotely (to catch both sides of the audio). Then I could sync the audio from another source with my video, and there would also be a backup in case my recording fails. So, please if you can, record and send to me afterwards

  • I'm very excited for this. Thanks for putting this webinar together. As others have mentioned, it would be great if this could be recorded for future reference. Thanks again!

  • This time is good for me. I will join for sure.

  • +1 on recording. I am on a movie set and can watch it but no audio, "Quite on the set". Some how I missed the original post and didn't come prepared. I should ask the sound guy for some headphones. Doesn't google hangouts in G+ allow for recording? 

  • 3D Robotics

    Reminder to all that this is today

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