Hi there, another update on the blog I wrote last week which showed how to make a cheap ($50) wireless fpv monitor. This week, I updated to show how to convert the cheap hacked together wireless monitor, and using a cheap $2 fresnel lens we can make immersive goggles, either by cutting up cardboard and fixing with sticky tape, or buying a head mount like in this right image. The head mount is still pretty cheap at £14.05 but in the spirit of DIY, I suggest making your own
Update is at the bottom of the blog article. Hope this helps and inspires some peeps.
Article here: http://dalybulge.blogspot.co.uk/
Happy flying :)
For fun I made this work, so I can practice 250 size quad racing without the crash costs :) :) :)
I wonder if UDP streaming via chromecast is possible....
TCP vs UDP video explanation
MadMax, just realised the difference between UDP & TCP video streaming, understand the benefits now! The idea of low latency is exciting :)
I think I may have just regretted the whole fpv goggle idea with my first vomit inducing flight with my v929 copter. Basically I fell over sideways then walked home almost throwing up on the way. Lord knows how an Occulus 3D experience would be...
-have a spotter
-sit down
-use a stabilized copter
If people want true 3D, I expect you need two fpv cameras each eye width apart, each connected to a video transmitter. Two receivers will also be required, a monitor which refreshes at at least 120hz, and a way to adjust alternating timing of the two video streams. too expensive for for ghetto diy.
Another option would be to try a camera such as a 3D Fujifilm W3, and use the hdmi video out with a converter and transmit that. Not guaranteeing that there is a video transmitter & receiver available to handle a 120hz stream.
So, 'faking' 3D is the viable way. The blackbird camera (fairly sure isn't viable for occulus style goggles), or by using a single 2.4ghz camera stream to an android phone like Madmax's app, but this wouldn't be a 3D image just stereoscoped, and the stream lag would be unusable for a pilot camera (might be usable as a passenger camera, or a pretty cool enlightening experience for disability access users).
So if lag is crossed off the list of important issues, one could use their 5.8ghz and capture the video to a decent spec laptop and gstreamer it to an android goggle....Just for the sake of experience. This would be a cheap option , but this option would rule out headtracking too (with how much lag/delay who knows??). one could perhaps fake headtracking using partial imaging of a whole video screen like the bebop drone which uses 180 degree lens camera and pans around that image.
I'm very curious how the bebop handles 2.4ghz, and much/little lag the bebop will have. Likewise I'm curious how much/little lag the phantom vision+ has for fpv and DJI's plans to venture into occulus 3D.
I'm working on a project like this. I first bought the kit from Hobby King (a ripoff of Bob's Eco Goggles).. Check out the hmd thread at fpvlabs. I wear glasses and don't do stereo easily, so I needed something different. First I built this out of coroplast and a welder's headband. I used an 8" 800x600 monitor. The reason for the wood extensions was merely for counterbalancing.
I use two fresnel lenses glued on each side of a foam board insert seen here.
The results were so enjoyable - complete immersion, and you just had to flip up the mask like a welders helmet when you wanted to look at your vehicle, that I just started this (need durability and a fan for ventilation).
And now it's just waiting for some West System Epoxy. Polystyrene foam and polyester resin have issues I've just found out. It looks like this now - with bondo and a few rough sands.
I highly recommend this as an alternative to 800 dollar googles. My next move is to be able to run both gstreamer on a pi, and a flight cam on 5.8. It allows me to switch inputs easily while flying. I like the idea of an hd feed with the fall back of analog video.
I am going to make a ghetto FPV setup with an optivisor lens setup as a base to start from. I can use the stock lens o focus 3 inches away from the lens. You can order different lens focal lengths.