A very Successful test of the DroidPlanner Android App, connected through a 3DR Radio Kit and the 3DR APM2.5
Before taking off, I ensured that there is a proper connection between the APM and the Tablet and that both devices's GPS is locked. Then I take the drone up and put it in Loiter mode.
Follow Mode must be activated in the Settings of the app first. Then I turn on Follow mode. Warning, before turning on Follow Mode, make sure your transmitter is set to Loiter and that the throttle is up and not zero. Then remember to set the default height, I set mine to 6m in this video. The default is 100m so be careful otherwise your drone will shoot straight up.
I am extremely pleased with the performance of the follow mode, it works very well!
Thanks so much for the link. Ill give it a shot tomorrow :-)
Hello I have tried every way that has been explained and I must be missing something. I have been unable to set the default height for the follow me function. I clearly am missing something. I have attempted to get it hovering at the correct height in loiter mode then switching to follow me. I have also hovered it and then connected the DP app when it was there. In all instances it drops back down at me as soon as I switch. Can someone tell me step by step what I need to do to make this work? I have an x8 running PX4. Thanks for you time :-)
Yes I understand the problem. The "path" would need to be stored on the ArduPilot board, and I'm not sure if it has a sufficient amount of memory available to do that.
But first let's get a simpler follow me mode working.
Andropilot is a great app, Kevin is an experienced developer.
Thought there is one thing that Droidplanner has which Andropilot doesn't offer, DP is written all in Java. With a very simple way to setup your dev environment (if you want to develop something new).
@Ty, I used a USB OTG (on the go) cable to connect my 3DR radio. There are 2 types out there for Android Tablets and Phones. The micro USB OTG cable is usually for Android phones and some smaller tablets with the micro USB slot. I used a USB OTG to Samsung Tablet's proprietary connector cable. You should be able to get these USB OTG cables on ebay easily.
Wow, that's very cool. I have never used any Android device, so I am wondering how the 3DR telemetry radio connects to the tablet, is there a USB connector on the tablet or did you have to build a cable? Is DroidPlanner essentially an Android version of Mission Planner?
@Arthur, thanks for that, that topic is indeed similair.
I was thinking, lets say you are following a car on a winding road.
The drone is following a car on this road and for any reason it is lagging behind. (car has speed up, more wind etc)
In that case i would assume it speeds up and tries to go to the last gps point of the FollowMe right ?
If there are trees or any obsticles in the way, this would make things complex..
If the drone would follow the gps path as much as possible then at least you know it will follow the same winding road.. You follow me ?? ;)
Would this be possible ?
The handheld device updates the drone with its latest gps point but the drone adds it to the bottom of a pathway list and then works down the list until he is at the last.
If no new points came within a minute, indeed the drone should land. (same case as lost signal)
To be honest, I'm not sure how much voltage the Galaxy 7.7 tab supplies through the OTG USB cable. Judging from this video, I'm pretty sure it does supplies 5v. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngyBh0OZcpo