The DC Area Drone User Group (DC DUG) shared their UAV designs with children as part of the National Museum of the Marine Corps Robot Festival on September 14. About ten group members showed off a variety of designs ranging from FPV enabled micro-copters to large fixed wing aircraft. Seeing the world through the eyes of a drone using FPV goggles brought a huge smile to the face of the young students, and a few adults as well.
Many of the people who stopped by the booth had questions about what were the applications for these aircraft. They were excited to hear about uses in agriculture, mapping, natural resource management, and search and rescue for UAVs.
As an additional service, DC DUG volunteered to take some aerial photography and videography of the facilities. These are being provided to the museum managers for use in their promotional and educational materials.
These efforts were undertaken as part of the Drone User Group Network’s (DUGN) Drone Community Service Month. DUGN is encouraging all drone operators to start projects this month where they volunteer to use their equipment in ways that benefit their communities, and then let people know about those projects by writing them up for outlets such as DIY Drones and sUAS News. If you are interested in starting a new drone user group in your area or affiliating your existing group with our network, please contact us at .
Nice job guys.