I'm delighted to announce that we're going to be having our first Chinese Dronecode unconference next in Beijing next Thursday, April 28th. I'll be in Beijing speaking at the big GMIC conference and we thought it would be fun to meet up with Dronecode developers at the same time.
All details here. If you're going to be in Beijing then, please join us! (it's free)
13:30 - 15:40 Speech
13:30 - 14:00 Chris Anderson Chris Anderson: UAV past and future.
Chris Anderson Chris Anderson, three internet Bible class best-selling book "The Long Tail," "free" "a guest" author, the largest US drone manufacturers 3DR the CEO, the open source community DIY Drones UAV founder, It was at his urging, ArduPilot open source flight control program was developed into what it is today. Today ArduPilot handed over to the Linux Foundation's project Dronecode identity Chris Anderson will be the President of the project Dronecode attend the event.
14:00 - 14:20 full Northern associate professor: multi-rotor UAV Opportunities and Challenges
New technology foresight, needs and direction of technological innovation, risk analysis, opportunities and challenges
14:20 - 14:40 The castle UAV, UAV technology industry, market analysis critic: open platform data in an era UAV ecosystems
Human society has entered the era of data. From traditional data transfer (Internet) to a data acquisition (IOT), a data processing (big data), data generation (VR) in-depth development. UAV as a branch of the robot, with full motion capability dimensions of space, it is the real world and the world of Fuji data port. Characteristics of the Times and the data requirements and the network platform fit, will have a joint effect UAV environment.
14:40 - 15:00 Small as individual developers: use ArduPilot do the secondary development experience Experience
Flight patterns and the development of new fixed-wing takeoff auxiliary functions, to adjust the parameters MininOSD added function, so try to get rid of the flight control ground station
15:00 - 15:20 Doctor CHANGCHUN: Industry Practice Dronecode Platform
Electrical inspection, precision agriculture applications such as practitioners, to bring within the industry experiences
15:20 - 15:40 snail Tsinghua graduate student: How to develop a UAV company
15:40 - 16:00 Big Qian Cheng: DroneKit development practices
Application DroneKit UAV API and Future Prospects
16:00 - 16:40 Salon
Discussion on the development of domestic UAV
16:40 - 17:10 Projects
Now more than 450+ are signed up.
Media will be covered by Guokr.com and live on live.bilibili,com
It's going to be some of this conference material published in the web?
More than 300 people are registered for this already!
Could you help to record the speech for amateur?
update to youku is prefect.
Hello Everybody, I'm the organizer of this event, Stone.
If you have any questions, please add my wechat: 253331754