Link: like the first one and think it would make a great airframe but I am confused as to where to find it; roberto calls it a "multiplex Easy Cub (1600mm wingspan)" but google turns up more than one different aircraft. Could someone please clarify for me?-thanks -rd .
Thanks for looking into it jason, I would never have been able to figure it out as I do not yet have much experience beyond flight sims [though I have done a lot of that;)].
The wings and tail both have the slight "skeleton" effect, meaning you can see little valleys in between the balsa ribs. This is likely balsa construction with monokote/ultracote or similar covering. This also means the builder can choose the color scheme which is why you may not see any others like it on the net. It is hard to say what the fuselage is made out of but I would guess it is balsa also. That said it re-read the post and saw the multiplex easy cub comment. If that's the case, I'll revise my guess to say its a Multiplex plane with a custom wing. Just a guess for what its worth.
The top picture doesn't look like the HobbyZone Super Cub either. That plane is foam and you can tell by the wing and tail this is a balsa plane. Maybe it is a custom build from plans?
I own a super cub. It is definetly not balsa. Its foam.
-Jason; how can you tell it is balsa? the body of the first plane looks like foam, is it a hybrid?
Does anyone know if the Super cub is brushless or not?